


1. The last straw breaks the camel's back.

2. The saved shall vastly outnumber the lost.

3. I will do what becomes a man.

4. A moment of peril is often also a moment of open-hearted kindness and affection. We are thrown off our guard by the general agitation of our feelings, and betray the intensity of those, which, at more tranquil periods, our prudence at least conceals, if it cannot altogether suppress them.

5. The old torpedo depot ship Chiyoda, the training ship Fuji and the second class coast defence ship Hashidate will be struck from the active list on May 1. These are in addition to the old warships to be discarded as the result of the naval agreement.

6. Mr. x, the Independent Diet member, was brought before the disciplinary committee of the lower house for having spoken in disregard of the command of the speaker, during the recent excited scene over the Manhood Suffrage Bill. The committee found him guilty for two weeks.



1. 最後の麥わら一束の重さが駱駝の背中をこわすことがある。

2. 貯えへたものは大に損失を突破するであらう。

3. 私は男らしいことを試みよう。

4. 危險の瞬間はまた屡々胸襟を開いた親切と愛情の瞬間である。私どものは感情の昂奮により、自分の注意を投げ捨てる。而して比較的平和な時にあつては全く自らを抑制出來ぬ迄も、少くとも愼しみが失はしめる劇場を裏切つて居る。

5. 古い水雷母艦千代田、練習艦富士と第二海軍區域防禦艦橋立は五月一日より現役艦隊から除かれた。海軍協定の結果として古い戰闘艦に加へて是等は廢艦となつた。

Sir Walter Scott, Ivanhoe,The Novels, Tales and Romances of the Author of Waverley