大正十二年度京都帝国大学法学部入試問題(英語)|Colorless Green Ideasを見てください。
[1] 下の語を英譯又は獨譯又は佛譯せよ。 i. 力の平行四邊形。 ii. 壓力の平衡。 iii. 毛細管。 iv. 吸收と吸着。 v. 滲透壓。 vi. 唸りと共鳴。 vii. 絶對温度。 viii. 熱量と熱容量。 ix. 温度計。 x. 屈折と廻折。 xi. 標準電池。 xii. 電流計。 xiii. 有…
[1] 私ハ明治三十五年十一月二十一日朝八時半ニ生レタ。[2] 英語ヲ上手ニ話スコトハ容易デ無イガ、英語ヲ正シク書クコトハ更ニ六ケ敷イ。[3] 大正三年櫻島ノ噴火ハ非常ニ大ナル變災デアル、其ノ噴出セル鎔岩ノ量ハ日本有史時代ニ於イテ最大ナリト思ハレル、…
[1] Sell not a bear's skin till you have caught him.[2] If things were to be done twice, all would be wise.[3] Honest men fear neither the light nor the dark.[4] Fate leads the willing but drives the stubborn.[5] (Battle of the yalu) The Y…
Let us suppose old our friend the railway carriage to be travelling along the rails with a constant velocity , and that a man traversed the length of the carriage in the direction of travel with a velocity . How quickly or, in other words,…