



[1] (物理學)A parallel plate condenser of C microfarad capacity is sharged with potential difference of V volts.
(a) What amount of energy is stored in the dielectric between the plates?
(b) If the condenser is discharged through a conductor having considerable reesistance, what amount of heat is developed in the conductor?

[2](化學)Explain what are meant by the following terms : ---
(a) Nitride.
(b) Nitrate.
(c) Nitration.
(d) Hydride.
(e) Hydrate.
(f) Hydrogenation.

[3] (力學)A uniform rod is hinged at one end about a horizontal axis attached to a vertical spindle, which is caused to rotate at a speed of 1\dfrac{1}{2} revolutions per second. Neglecting the friction at the hinge and air resistance, find the vertical distance of the lower end of the rod below the hinge.

[4](甲)(國語英譯)(a) 競爭試驗は恐らく之れが最後だらう。
(b) 歐洲戰の御蔭で我工學界は近頃著しく活躍して居る。
(c) 現時鋼材と石油との時給は國防の獨立上必須の事に屬する。

[4](乙)(國語獨譯)(a) 今年は大變暑いだらうと云ふ噂である。
(b) 御免下さいそんな事は少しも知りませんでした。
(c) 常に眞を話す事は最も利巧な事である。